SULI 2013

Improving an eelgrass biomass model using salinity, light and temperature data


Zostera marina L. (eelgrass), a species of seagrass found along temperate marine coastlines provides multiple ecological services, yet is experiencing worldwide decline. To aid in restoration, experimental information was collected on the rates of metabolic functions of eelgrass in relation to light, temperature, and salinity for incorporation into a numerical Eelgrass Biomass Model. In temperature dependent experiments, plants were subjected to one of five temperature treatments between 12°C - 30°C, while plants in the salinity experiments were subjected to one of five salinity treatments up to 30 psu. The additional data found in these controlled experiments will be incorporated into the numerical eelgrass biomass growth model to improve predictions of where suitable habitat exists for eelgrass restoration throughout Puget Sound.