Simpson, A.G.; Tripp, L.; Shull, D.; and Yang, S. 2018. Effects of Zostera marina Roots and Leaf Detritus on the Concentration and Distribution of Pore-Water Sulfide in Marine Sediments. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 209: 160-168. VIEW HERE
Simpson, A.G. 2016. Effects of Zostera marina Roots and Leaf Detritus on the Concentration and Distribution of Pore-Water Sulfide in Marine Sediments. WWU Masters Thesis Collection 540. VIEW HERE
Simpson, A.; Shull, D.; and Yang, S. 2015. Effects of sediment pore-water sulfide on eelgrass (Zostera marina) health, distribution, and population growth in Puget Sound: Eelgrass-Sulfide Workshop at Friday Harbor Laboratories. Prepared for Washington State Department of Natural Resources and Washington Sea Grant, pp 1-17.
Ruess-Schmidt, K.; Rosenstiel, T.N.; Rogers, S.R.; Simpson, A.G.; and Eppley, S.M. 2015. Effects of sex and mycorrhizal fungi on gas exchange in the dioecious salt marsh grass Distichlis spicata. International Journal of Plant Sciences 176: 141-149. VIEW HERE